"As the most participatory form of mass speech yet developed, the Internet deserves the highest protection from government intrusion." - Philadelphia court

Todd Delaune

Sound Icon Welcome!

You may be asking yourself Sound Icon. I don't really know. I just got carried away with sound bytes I guess.

The life and times.... (a pretty dry read)

Hobbies & Interests....

My webspace links....

Useful tools and links....

Cool people....

Auburn Area Homepages....

Please tell me your comments, or you can see what other people think of my page - this was started at the end of October 1995, so any earlier comments are unavailable.
I know what you're thinking... Sound Icon but please feel free to leave comments and/or suggestions - delauti at gnc dot net
© HTML'ed with vi by... Sound Icon =) If you are in any way impressed by my work and want to pay me money to make something for you, then please contact me. Last modified 11/2.
AOL, CompuServe, Microsoft Network, or any other money grubbing company trying to interfere with the freedom and free use of the Internet is forbidden to display any element of this web space in a public forum. To do so constitutes an agreement to pay me the sum of $10,000 US for every public posting.