The name's Todd, Todd Delaune. No, not Todd Todd Delaune. One fine day it hit me: it's about time to change my last homepage which documents my 2004 roadtrip into this (or you can check out my original homepage for historical reference =) ). My current website is
This isn't much yet, but check out this flippin' amazing picture of me and a circus performer friend playing around at The Hostel in the Forest (I'm the base, holding our combined weight on my hands):
Wanna see more from that day? (thanks Carlyn and Hanoch for giving me such an amazing time - I'm hooked!!).
A little about me... I used to spend most of my days working at SecureWorks as a software engineer usually working with Java and only by night and on the weekends did I teach yoga at Peachtree Yoga. That's the job I love. My third and final job was renovating my kitchen, which thankfully is long done now. Over a year ago I finally made the big switch - I quit that computer job and now yoga is my life!
Click here, here, or here for a collection of poses we've done (more to come!). And here's our latest greatest:
If you're trying to get in touch with me you can email me at using the username in the URL. For the non-technical, this means take the 7 letters after the tilde (~) in the web address at the top of your browser, put an at (@) symbol after that, and then And the reason you have to do the dirty work is because if I put my address on here some spambot will nab it, and I get enough messages about losing weight, stock tips, penis enlargement, pharmaceuticals, Nigerian money laundering schemes, etc.
My MySpace page.