Welcome to the Warp Page!

Alex's code has been modified - put any existing URL into the text field, click on load, and warp any existing image on the net! Click here for a generic warp with huge applet sizes to handle huge images (or just make your own page using this class with whatever settings you like). WARNING: I made lame bandaid-ish changes to the code, there's hardly any error checking. This means if you type in a non-existent URL it'll just sit there and say "Loading image..." forever. If you get tons of "." and get nowhere click back.

This page allows you to take out all your frustrations on your favorite professors! Just click on a picture and the java applet will take over. Draw lines on the image that will appear (it may not be so hot on the Sparc 10's since they use 8-bit graphics - you may have to hit the Reset button) and warp their faces! Check out the damage I did in a mere few minutes here.

Oh, this is a java program meaning if you don't have a java supporting browser such as Netscape 2.0 then you're screwed.

The code I got was written by Alex Rosen. Without his hours of programming and his express permission for use of this code we could never screw up our favorite professors faces this easily. =) Knock yourself out!

This page has been accessed a lot, and you won't find out until you get a graphical browser or until I figure out how to put the number in here =) times since 5/8/96.

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